"I am going to tell my friend______ that you pick your nose!","Well I am going to tell my friend_____ that you pick your nose and EAT YOUR BOOGERS!!!", "You better not, I don't do that anymore!" This is a normal conversation at my house. It goes back and forth and back and forth. Then there is the fights and I mean fist fights. Over things like this. One of my personal favorites was when Zac said he was going to tell his friend that Lindsey wears a certain kind of panties. I knew he pushed her to far when the first thing out of her mouth was " I don't wear those ones very often. I only wear them if I have to" then she put her head down for a sec. then walked over and hit him. I had know idea she didn't like whatever character were on those panties. But he clearly hit below the belt so to speak. She got over it and came back with something witty. There is another side. Like today Caleb was grumpy. Zac (with out a prompt from me) wrote Caleb a letter. My favorite line was " your the nisst (Nicest) brothur ever." A while back three girls were chasing Caleb and one of his friends on the field at school. Lindsey was playing ball with her friend when she observed what was going on with Caleb. She quickly joined the chase, to save her "boys" she threw the ball with all her might and took one of the girls out. The other girls asked her why she wasn't helping them (the girls). Her reply made me smile. She said "No one messes with my brother". The other day Lindsey was crying at school on recess. Caleb put his arm around her and comforted her. I only know this because we were talking about the caught being good at school program. He did this not for reward, but because he saw his sister upset and went to help her. The truth tellin is this: those vicious siblings KNOW everything about you and will use that power to torment you, but they also have your back when you really need it.