Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday is the day of rest, for the children

First today is Sunday which is the Lord's day of rest notice that I said the Lord's. I have not rested once today. Ok so I did take a rest in the restroom, but Hyrum did pound on the door asking for food even though his very capable Dad was in the front house. Sundays are hard days for us mainly because I have this FANTASY that because it's Sunday the children are supposed to stop fighting. Ya know, I feel like they can at least act like they've been taught how to behave one day a week. We also have issues with church clothing. EVERY SUNDAY at least one child child can't find at least one article of his or her clothing. Oh and don't think that your so smart and suggest that we lay out their clothes the night before. Well miss smarty pants when we do this the savages still manage to lose something. I guess we could put everything in a vault and everyone would be happy. Today Hyrum is missing one Sunday shoe. I shut of the blow dryer to hear a ruckus coming from the boys room. I assume that it is Zac, well because 99.9% of the time it is Zac. I walk down the hall to see Zachary coming out of his room. I am dumbfounded. He seems calm. I ask him if he is almost ready for church he says and I quote "I am going to get ready in the front house because I don't want to get hit with flying toys" Now at this moment I think smart kid, then I think if a child was throwing toys Zac would have handled the situation (read) as yelled at them to get out so this leaves me with Justin. I decide I better find out what is going on. I hear him say Hyrum where are your shoes? Now you need to know that the boys room is a mess. I sigh and think we are never going to find this shoe. I notice that the toy box is overturned (the flying toys) So I make a few helpful suggestions: Did you look under the bed, in the closet (which DID hold the toys). Yes he did and no shoe. I leave the boys room thinking that his shoe is on our bed. Well one shoe is but not the other so I have a thought... what if the shoe is just by chance in the shoe closet(ya know the place it should be) and lo and behold we have a shoe. Ya just never know where your going to find something, it might just be where it is supposed to be. So this is my truth tellin... the children WILL misbehave even though it's Sunday and until the children are grown something will always be misplaced even if it is right where it should be.



Blogger Amy said...

I love it. Great story. We'd love to join a shoe hunt, just let us know when the next one will be-

Amy & Eli

August 4, 2008 at 11:18 AM  
Blogger Cherali said...

So true, I love that the shoe ended up being where it belonged. With 5 brothers growing up, I was the designated shoe finder on a Sunday basis ;)

August 4, 2008 at 4:06 PM  
Blogger Valerie Smith said...

Hilarious!!! Isn't it the truth. By the way - welcome to blogland!

August 5, 2008 at 10:20 AM  

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